[email protected] 021 300 3338
Greendale Farm , Klapmuts Simonduim Road, (Between Dalewood Cheesery and Glen Carlou), 7624
C Fruit, is your premier destination for the finest
fresh, frozen, and dried fruits.
Our mission is rooted in creating sustainable value
through innovative produce strategies, ultimately
enhancing the lives of all communities involved in
our value chain.
C Fruit owns, breeds, packs, adds value through
agri-processing, and distributes fresh, frozen, and
dried fruits. Our distribution network supports
micro-enterprises, retailers, and wholesalers
nationally and internationally.
Our head office and certified packing facility,
located in the heart of the Winelands on Greendale
Farm, between Paarl & Stellenbosch, South Africa,
are Halaal and Kosher certified to meet the diverse
needs of our customers.